Address: Middenweg 10
City: Hamont-Achel
Postal code: 3930
Region: Hamont Achel
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)11 446195
Fax.: +32 (0)11 622470
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Type: Trader
Description:Since 1970 the address of purchases for the antique trade in Europe. More than 30 dealers under 1 roof / 54,000 sq ft ( 5 000 m2 ) The best way to buy a container with various furniture in 1 day. Daily changing stock, container & shipping service, airport pick up service, professional packers,.... French-, Belgian-, Dutch-, English-, German- and Swedish antiques. Because of our own import we can sell at low prices. The selection of furniture is more diverse than anywhere in Belgium or France. There is something for every dealer or collector in the business. We have got a lot more than what is shown on our website.
Address: Parc Industriel 33
City: Wauthier-Braine
Postal code: 1440
Region: Brussel
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)475 60 31 16
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Type: Trader
Description:The first permanent market in Wallonia!

Discover the best of flea markets, antiques, design, decorative items and collections. Find the one-of-a-kind treasure at Big's Brocante or just sell your own! A paradise for bargain hunters, lovers of antiques and collectibles over more than 6,000 m2
Address: Industrieweg 176
City: Best
Postal code: 5683 CH
Region: Noord-Brabant
Country: The-Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)499 399867
Fax.: +31 (0)499 391590
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Type: Trader
Description:Versmissen was founded in 1970 and initially started as a wholesaler for European antiques. Within a short period of time Versmissen became an important player in this field of expertise and the success created possibilities to extend our business. Over the past 40 years we have developed a distinctive and exclusive style in European and Oriental antique furniture, reproduction antiques, own designs inspired by antique and vintage styles, industrial furniture and lighting, crystal chandeliers and other lighting fixtures, seating furniture in wood, leather and fabric, antique fencing and doors, building materials, bronze and stone statues and an exciting range of decorative items. For both hospitality (i.e. bar/restaurant/hotel) and furniture businesses we offer complete bars, an extensive range of furniture, original decorative items, objet d’art and custom made furniture. As a family business, we personally import from Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. This way we are able to offer a wide variety of furniture and decorational items from stock, all selected and approved by ourselves!
Address: Overheide 34
City: Mechelen
Postal code: 2800
Region: Antwerpen
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)15 29 08 29
Fax.: +32 (0)15 41 26 56
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Type: Trader
Description:With over a century of expertise and connoisseurship in fine and decorative arts, Group Zavieh has earned its reputation as one of the leading global art dealers in Belgium. Specialising in antique and modern rugs and the production of bronze sculptures, Group Zavieh has broadened its scope since 1986, to include unique works on paper, paintings, prints and multiples. Group Zavieh has also expanded further into managing the production and careers of a select group of international artists. Group Zavieh handles a broad range of quality objects and artworks, and relies on its century-long experience to offer a bespoke and professional service to both corporations and private clients.
Address: Rameiveld 2
City: Parike - Brakel
Postal code: 9661
Region: Gent
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 475 86 00 89
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Type: Antique dealer
Description:A wide range of fine antiques.
Address: Kasteelstraat 8
City: Diksmuide
Postal code: 8600
Region: Westhoek
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)474 49 13 17
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Type: Auctioneer
Description:Driemaandelijkse Antiek-Religiosa-en Kunstveilingen
Address: Jakobijnenstraat 2
City: Gent
Postal code: 9000
Region: Gent
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)474 25 54 01
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Type: Antique dealer
Description:The Gallery De Pauw - Muller was founded 47 years ago.

Our speciality is sculpture dating from the 15th to the 18th century. French and Flemish furniture from 16th to 18th century and art objects till the 18th century. For three generations allready collectors and enthusiasts of medieval sculpture have given us their confidence We are proud of our membership of the "Royal Belgian Chamber of Antiques and Fine Art Dealers" , of the CINOA and of our annual participation to the BRAFA fair on the Brussels site of Tour & Taxis

Feel free to visit our gallery in the historic centre of Ghent and have a preview of our collection on our website
Address: Avenue Louise 262
City: Bruxelles
Postal code: 1000
Region: Brussel
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)2 5022477
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Type: Antique dealer
Description:En choisissant le prestigieux hôtel de Kerchove pour abriter ses collections, Saeed Sadraee fait revivre la curiosité et la fascination ancienne de l'Occident pour les trésors rares et précieux de l'Orient. Depuis la Renaissance et sur le modèle de Venise, qui sut tirer parti avec raffinement des trésors orientaux arrivant à son port, les tapis d'Orient jouent un ensemble décoratif, donnent de l'ampleur aux meubles, animent les sols et organisent l'espace intérieur. La Maison Sadraee rassemble principalement des tapis traditionnels anciens, dont des tapis turcs, mamelouks, ottomans, persans, originaires du Caucase ou encore de l'Inde mongole, réalisés par des tribus nomades ou dans des ateliers artisanaux.
Address: Chaussée de Bruxelles 840
City: Frasnes-lez-Gosselies
Postal code: 6210
Region: Namur
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)473 71 21 35
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Type: Trader
Description:For three generations, we have been searching for the objects and furniture that will become your life companions.

More than a passion, it is an art of living that we propose to our customers.

This is why I have decided, with my team, to create for you "le temps jadis shopping mall" which will open its doors very soon at 840 chaussée de Bruxelles in Les Bons Villers, very easy to reach on the national road 5, ten minutes from Waterloo.

A veritable Ali Baba's cave open to the public for lovers of beautiful objects, furniture of all styles or amazing wonders on almost 5000 m²!

I and all the exhibitors will be there to welcome you or, better still, to let you freely find your heart's desire through the many stands full of various and varied objects.
Address: 28 Boulevard Cuivre & Zinc
City: Grivegnée
Postal code: 4030
Region: Liege
Country: Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)4 221 09 09
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Type: Auctioneer
Description:Les origines de l’hôtel des ventes Elysée remontent aux années septante au moment où José Fairon reprend la salle des ventes de Monsieur Werts située rue aux Chevaux dans le quartier Saint Léonard. Peu de temps après, il réalise l’acquisition d’un bâtiment sis à la rue Saint-Léonard, toujours dans le même quartier. Quelques années plus tard, il prend possession de l’Elysée Palace qui était une salle de cinéma Art déco, qui allait faire l’objet de travaux considérables pour rejoindre l’immeuble arrière de la rue Souverain Pont et devenir l’Hôtel des Ventes Elysée au cœur de notre cité ardente. C’est en 2006 que la salle des ventes trouve son nid définitif aux alentours de la région liégeoise et plus précisément à Grivegnée. Après avoir été totalement transformé, l’ancien garage est enfin prêt pour répondre à sa nouvelle destinée. En manque d’espace de stockage, de nouveaux travaux ont été entamés afin de transformer le parking adjacent en un entrepôt de stockage. Et, comme les idées ne manquent pas,voilà qu’en cours de chantier, l’affectation est revue et corrigée par le maître de l’ouvrage qui y verrait bien un espace d’exposition d’art contemporain. Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait! notre homme et son fils Christophe conçoivent un espace aux allures de loft, déployé sur quelques cinq cent mètres carrés et divisible en entités modulables de manière à s’adapter à différents types d’expositions.