Home > Dealers by category > Restoration
Address: | 110, rue des Rosiers |
City: | Saint Ouen |
Postal code: | 93400 |
Country: | France |
Tel.: | +33 (0)1 49 45 17 10 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.marcheserpette.com |
E-mail: | marcheserpette.com@gmail.com |
Description:Its quiet, covered alleyways are home to the most exceptional and rare antiques and unique modern objects which have been sought out by some of Paris’s most knowledgeable antiques dealers. A ‘must’ destination for serious collectors and world-famous celebrities alike, Serpette is a very exciting and surprising place to be. You never know what (or who)? you will find next! It truly is a living museum but with the advantage of each stand being run by dedicated and passionate owners who want nothing more than to explain what they sell. You have the opportunity to learn about and to touch and try the most amazing objects. |
Address: | Laaglandlaan 14 |
City: | Sint Job in 't Goor |
Postal code: | 2960 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)477 503133 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.biebaert.be |
E-mail: | info@biebaert.be |
Description:Entrez sans frapper is Bie Baert's motto when you walk through the front door of her charming house in Sint Job in 't Goor, 20 km from the center of Antwerp, where Bie lives and works. “I want people to feel comfortable when they come visit my house“ Bie says, it has to be a bit like coming come, where you can sit in easy chairs, surrounded by warm wooden objects, naturalia pieces and comfortable furniture. Where the coffee and tea are always ready and where the atmosphere is warm. |
Address: | Sint-Katelijnestraat 41 |
City: | Mechelen |
Postal code: | 2800 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)15 277548 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)15 276573 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.atelierpassepartout.be |
E-mail: | info@atelierpassepartout.be |
Description:Atelier PASSE PARTOUT is gespecialiseerd in het plaatsen van traditioneel, massief parket en plankenvloeren. Het gamma omvat meer dan 35 houtsoorten en een zeer uitgebreid assortiment parketmotieven, waaronder de meest gangbare : de ‘oude stijl’ met wisselende breedte van 8 tot 16 cm, of het strokenparket met mogelijkheden in vaste breedte van 7 tot 19 cm. maar bijv. ook wagonplanken in eikenhout, brede abdijvloeren tot 21 cm breedte en 2 cm dikte, het boekvormparket tot 22 cm breedte, kunstmatig verouderde vloeren of bamboe parket, vloeren in kokos palmhout enz … Daarnaast beschikken we over authentieke (gerecupereerde) eiken plankenvloeren uit de 18de eeuw, die we in ons atelier opkuisen en tot talloze diverse motieven kunnen verzagen om vervolgens als parket te plaatsen. |
Address: | Doorniksesteenweg 87 |
City: | Avelgem |
Postal code: | 8580 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)56 644956 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.delobelle-antiques.be |
E-mail: | info@delobelle-antiques.be |
Description:In our shop you will find a nice selection of 18th, 19th and 20th C. English antique furniture (desk / bureau / boekenkast / bookcase / bibliothèque / tafel / schrijftafel / writing table / english antiques / desk chair / office furniture / library furniture / Danchin) |
Address: | Rijksstraatweg 167 |
City: | Twello |
Postal code: | 7391 ML |
Region: | Overijssel |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)571 273951 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.melenhorst-antiek.nl |
E-mail: | info@melenhorst-antiek.nl |
Description:Clocks (Pendulums, Friese, Grandfather, ...) Furniture (17, 18 and 19th Century) Lighting, Paintings and Icons (18 and 19th century) and Silver. We also restorate antique furniture. |
Address: | 48, Boulevard des Combattants |
City: | Tournai |
Postal code: | 7500 |
Region: | Tournai |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)475 287585 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.passe-compose.be |
E-mail: | info@passe-compose.be |
Description:Situé dans un bâtiment de 350m² des années 40', nous proposons une marchandise variée qui marie le mobilier qui a gardé des couleurs et ses patines d'origine avec le mobiler de magasin et le mobilier indutriel. Ces styles très differents acceuillent les objets de curiosité . Le jardin s'impose aussi dans les maisons , statues, jardinières ou même mobiler en métal revisité. |
Address: | Boshovestraat 58 |
City: | Deurne |
Postal code: | 2100 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.galeriemaru.be |
E-mail: | galeriemaru@skynet.be |
Description:Galerie Maru The Heselmans brothers, gallery owners since 1975 in Deurne near Antwerp, put their knowledge at your disposal. 35 years of professional experience, specialised in old masters and romantic paintings. Always a large choice of paintings, bronze statues and many other precious items. A visit to our gallery only by appointment ! |
Address: | Leuvensestraat 121 |
City: | 3300 |
Postal code: | Tienen |
Region: | Leuven |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)486 52 18 19 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.ateliernightlight.com |
E-mail: | info@ateliernightlight.com |
Description:Great collection of unique chandeliers, lamps and sconces from 18th C till mid 20th C design.
Specialised in restauration of cristal chandelier. |
Address: | Melkerijweg 1 |
City: | Zandhoven |
Postal code: | 2240 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)3 3855385 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)3 3855385 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.isdl.be/ |
E-mail: | info@isdl.be |
Description:Volle massieven grenen en eiken originele meubelen uit heel Europa. Repro Antiek, badkamermeubelen, inbouwkasten, maatwerk, inrichtingen, decoraties, Vincent Sheppard, meubelrestauratie, verwijderen van verf en vernis..... |
Address: | Mechelseweg 303 |
City: | Kapelle-op-den-Bos |
Postal code: | 1880 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)15 712535 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)15 714149 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.RikStorms.com |
E-mail: | info@rikstorms.com |
Description:Rik Storms – more than a passion for authentic building materials. 40 years ago, at young age, Rik Storms started the restoration of very particular buildings: the beguinage of Leuven, the court of Busleyden at the fish market, particular houses, castles and farms. Over the years, Rik Storms started also with transactions and sale of old and antique building materials and restored them with particular care and attention. Storms met during his live the famous architect Raymond Rombouts, a close collaboration grew between them. Storms vision and knowledge about architectural concepts increased a lot. From that moment he was able to place historical building materials in an original and incomparable context. Authenticity and respect for tradition are the main matters for Storms in his constant search for the most beautiful old materials, which he integrates in classic and timeless interiors. |
Address: | Leuken 14 |
City: | Lommel |
Postal code: | 3920 |
Region: | Leuven |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)11 665535 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.anresto.com |
E-mail: | info@anresto.com |
Description:Jaak Vanderhoydonks is a certified antiques dealer and restoration expert. ANRESTO has a major antique showroom in Lommel specialized in 16th to 19th century furniture, fine art, tile and wooden floors, antique wooden doors complete with the original glass and hinges as well as architectural antique.
ANRESTO also realizes exclusive private interior design projects in Belgium and other countries.
Restoration projects, placement of antique wooden or tile floors, consult, planning and execution are all done by ANRESTO itself. Visit also our other site ANTIEK ANRESTO |
Address: | Tilburgseweg 19 |
City: | Goirle |
Postal code: | 5051 AA |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)135 347943 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.bolk-antiques.nl |
E-mail: | info@bolk-antiques.nl |
Description:Welcome on the website of our Shop in the Netherlands. We are one of the leading specialist dealers in Europe of Fine Antique Arms & Armour and Antique Clocks, with over 40 years of experience. Our carefully selected stock is ever changing and has added the collections of Museums as well as Private Collectors all over the world. |
Address: | Tongersestraat 36 |
City: | Maastricht |
Postal code: | 6211 LN |
Region: | Limburg |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)6 53 76 35 88 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.mestromchandeliers.com |
E-mail: | pascal@mestromchandeliers.com |
Description:I would like to welcome you to the world of crystal chandeliers. By travelling around Europe for many years and visiting many palaces, churches, manor houses and museums I was able to study the historical development and diversity of chandeliers, which aroused my interest more and more.
French chandeliers in particular have my interest. Especially the so called “lustre a tige”, “lustre a cage”, or “lustre a consoles” and the “girandole en appliques”, which came into vogue at the court of Louis XIV during the last quarter of the 17th century and continued to develop during Louis XV. The transition from the originally used, extremely precious, rock crystal (quartz) in palaces to the use and development of lead crystal (~1700), led to the spread and accessibility of chandeliers in large parts of Europe. The Swedish court developed and produced its own variant based on the French model. The development of the design language and the method of cutting of parts such as “plaquettes”, “pendeloques” and “poignards”, the gilding or silver plating of the frame and the way of hanging the trimmings was done in such a way that the chandelier would optimally reflect and spread the candle light with brilliance. Because of my passion for chandeliers I started collecting, restoring and selling them. This led to my present collection, which is unique in the Netherlands. This collection consists of pieces from the early 18th century containing rock crystal or lead crystal chandeliers, to the highest quality style pieces from the second flourish of these chandeliers from aprrox. 1870-1920. |
Address: | Tongelresestraat 226-228 |
City: | Eindhoven |
Postal code: | 5613 DT |
Country: | The-Netherlands |
Tel.: | +31 (0)40 246 73 00 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.berryswinkelsantiek.nl |
E-mail: | info@berryswinkelsantiek.nl |
Description:Berry Swinkels Antiek “Een nieuwe kijk op antiek" In onze winkel vindt u een scala aan hoogwaardig, sfeervol antiek uit de 18e tot en met 20e eeuw. De meubelen van eiken, kastanje, mahonie en notenhout worden door ons persoonlijk ingekocht in o.a. Engeland en Frankrijk. Naast meubelen treft u ook kleinantiek aan zoals spiegels, kroonluchters, klokken en ander decoratief kleingoed. |
Address: | Overleiestraat 79 A |
City: | Harelbeke |
Postal code: | 8530 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32(0)475 773260 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.alainvantrois.be |
E-mail: | info@alainvantrois.be |
Description:Located in the Flemish speaking part of Belgium, a well known region for its antiquities and culture cities as medieval Bruges, Ghent and Brussels. Our antiques Canter is about 15 min from France. Thanks to our frequent trips to France and other European countries we can supply you with our attractive collection of furniture and other antique items. Please have a look at our inventory. |
Address: | 31, rue de France |
City: | Louette Saint-Pierre |
Postal code: | 5576 |
Region: | Namur |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)478 564954 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.historischehoutenvloeren.be |
E-mail: | info@HistorischeHoutenVloeren.be |
Description:Historische Houten Vloeren is de noemer waaronder Filip Redant vorm geeft aan zijn grote passie als antiquair-restaurateur. Het restaureren en conserveren van zowel oude parketten als plankenvloeren in historische gebouwen vraagt een zeer specifieke vakkennis omtrent deze materie. Het plaatsen van authentieke (recuperatie) eiken plankenvloeren uit de 18 de eeuw behoort eveneens tot de activiteiten. |
Address: | Sint-Katelijnestraat 41 |
City: | Mechelen |
Postal code: | 2800 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)15 277548 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.historischehoutenvloeren.be/ |
E-mail: | info@historischehoutenvloeren.be |
Description:Historische Houten Vloeren is de noemer waaronder Filip Redant vorm geeft aan zijn grote passie als antiquair-restaurateur. Het restaureren en conserveren van zowel oude parketten als plankenvloeren in historische gebouwen vraagt een zeer specifieke vakkennis omtrent deze materie. Het plaatsen van authentieke (recuperatie) eiken plankenvloeren uit de 18 de eeuw behoort eveneens tot de activiteiten. |
Address: | Hendrik Consciencestraat 25 |
City: | Kortrijk |
Postal code: | 8500 |
Region: | Brugge |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)56 220396 |
Fax.: | +32 (0)56 220535 |

Type: | Antique dealer |
URL: | https://www.wvlefevre.be |
E-mail: | info@wvlefevre.com |
Description:Fine Paintings - Antiques - Works of Art Lefevre Antique Dealers have been established in 1968. Specialised in painting, fine European 18th an 19th century furniture, works of art and sculptures. We sell over the world to major private collections. We have an Expert-office and also our own workshop for restoration of antiques. |
Address: | Via di Bravetta 572 |
City: | Roma |
Postal code: | 00164 |
Country: | Italy |
Tel.: | +39 (0)6 66 15 13 54 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.restaurogianferro.it |
E-mail: | info@restaurogianferro.it |
Description:Siamo da trent'anni artigiani nel settore, fedeli alle più tradizionali tecniche di restauro e lucidatura a tampone con l'utilizzo di materiali specifici quali gommalacca e cera d'api. Le nostra attività comprendono:
RESTAURO DI PORTONI DI STABILI D'EPOCA RESTAURO DI ASCENSORI RESTAURO DI CASSETTE POSTALI RESTAURO DI PORTE D'INTERNI COLLABORAZIONI CON TAPPEZZIERI, DORATORI E LACCATORI TRASPORTI DI MOBILI ANTICHI Preventivi gratuiti, ritiro e consegna compresi nel prezzo del restauro. Per ulteriori informazioni e per foto aggiuntive dei mobili presenti nel sito, siamo a vostra disposizione. |
Address: | Reigersmolenstraat 33 |
City: | Vremde |
Postal code: | 2531 |
Region: | Antwerpen |
Country: | Belgium |
Tel.: | +32 (0)3 4581616 |

Type: | Trader |
URL: | https://www.philippaerts.com |
E-mail: | Info@Philippaerts.com |
Description:Philippaerts Interior, founded in 1977... originally importing authentic antique furnitures but... very soon the scaped custom work. With Phillipaerts Dirk as director of the company, the company became a solid player in the world of interiors!
Realisations are extremely important for us. All realisations are being made in our own studios. With our own interiorstylist Line from Harmony and Color & Style, designer Kim and a team of professional placers, directed by Patrick on board. We are more than happy to serve you with a huge amount of know-how. Unbelievable references, happy customers. Phillipaerts always chooses for quality and durability. This results the realisation of the most unique interiors. This house of trust and high-quality furniture, custom made work and total projects is both producer and store. On top of that, we are also a loyal partner for architects and retailers with a high level of designing experience. |