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Art Deco lamp ADORATION nude with vase.
Art Deco lamp ADORATION nude with vase.
Art Deco lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Nouveau bronze lamp with lady.
Art Nouveau bronze lamp with lady.
Art Deco style lamp with dancer DANSEUSE A LA COUPE.
Art Deco style lamp with dancer DANSEUSE A LA COUPE.
Art Deco style lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Art Deco style lamp monkey with umbrella PLUIE.
Rèverie Art Deco lamp seated nude with drape.
Rèverie Art Deco lamp seated nude with drape.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp with semi-nude lady.
Art Deco lamp standing nude with ball.
Art Deco lamp standing nude with ball.
Clarté LIFE SIZE Art Deco style bronze lamp standing nude holding a glass shade.
Clarté LIFE SIZE Art Deco style bronze lamp standing nude holding a glass shade.
Art Deco style lamp with cat CHAT JONGLEUR
Art Deco style lamp with cat CHAT JONGLEUR
Art Deco style lamp dancer with ball 
Art Deco style lamp dancer with ball 
Art Deco style lamp lady with ball VERITE
Art Deco style lamp lady with ball VERITE
Art Deco lamp with dancer Danseuse à la coupe.
Art Deco lamp with dancer Danseuse à la coupe.
Art Deco style lamp with cat EQUILIBRE
Art Deco style lamp with cat EQUILIBRE
Art Deco lamp Pierrot with ball.
Art Deco lamp Pierrot with ball.
Grote vintage Design Stilnovo Style Spoetnik - Sputnik Spider lamp
Grote vintage Design Stilnovo Style Spoetnik - Sputnik Spider lamp
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Art Nouveau lamp slave girl under palm tree
Art Nouveau lamp slave girl under palm tree
Grote vintage Design Stilnovo Style Spoetnik - Sputnik Spider lamp
Grote vintage Design Stilnovo Style Spoetnik - Sputnik Spider lamp
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Vienna bronze lamp with two lovebirds.
Vienna bronze lamp with two lovebirds.
Antieke Art Deco lamp met glazen reliëf kap
Antieke Art Deco lamp met glazen reliëf kap
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Art Deco lamp reading medieval lady
Art Deco lamp reading medieval lady
Art Deco bronze lamp sculpture cat with ball.
Art Deco bronze lamp sculpture cat with ball.
Art Deco double light table lamp
Art Deco double light table lamp
Vintage messing ananas lamp in de stijl van Maison Charles
Vintage messing ananas lamp in de stijl van Maison Charles
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Maison Charles stijl ananas lamp
Maison Charles stijl ananas lamp
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Vintage safelight, donkere kamer lamp
Vintage safelight, donkere kamer lamp
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Lustre brutaliste Max Bré c 1960
Lustre brutaliste Max Bré c 1960
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
Incroyable lustre italien en meta H 2,40 m! !!
Incroyable lustre italien en meta H 2,40 m! !!
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
Vintage Valenti lamp met herten
Vintage Valenti lamp met herten
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Vintage Italiaanse Pistillo lamp van Studio Tetrarch voor Valenti
Vintage Italiaanse Pistillo lamp van Studio Tetrarch voor Valenti
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Mid-century roze keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Mid-century roze keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Oude amberkleurige glazen stolp lamp
Oude amberkleurige glazen stolp lamp
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Grand lustre
Grand lustre
Rodrigue Verhaeghe
Vintage Italiaanse lamp in verchroomd staal jaren '70
Vintage Italiaanse lamp in verchroomd staal jaren '70
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Hollywood Regency messing staande lamp met palm motieven
Hollywood Regency messing staande lamp met palm motieven
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Mid-century witte keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Mid-century witte keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Mid-century blauwe keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Mid-century blauwe keramische tafel lamp door Manises
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Vintage Franse tafel lamp van Cheverny
Vintage Franse tafel lamp van Cheverny
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques
Lamp gemaakt van antieke zandloper
Lamp gemaakt van antieke zandloper
Piet Jonker Architectural Antiques